

It is our goal to provide vital and integral technology skills and knowledge to our students. Across the board, every grade level will learn about online safety, basic coding, and fun activities to help enrich their technological education.


For Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, students work on their hand-eye coordination by playing educational games that are related to the things they are learning in class. 


First Grade is all about integrating students by learning more advanced lessons that include 3D modeling, document formatting, and coding. 


Second Grade is all about creativity! Students work with multiple programs to create pictured stories, stories created with code, and basic photo editing.


Third Grade is about exploration! Students learn about Google Suites where they will make their own slideshows, brochures, and edited documents. 


Fourth and Fifth Graders focus on Communication and Presentation. They explore fun ways to research and present information using programs like Canva, Tinkercad, Padlet, Google Sites, and so much more. 


Middle School grades focus on Publication, Computation and Culmination, respectively. Here, they take all the skills they've previously learned and step into tougher lessons like coding, digital formatting, 3-D imaging, movie making and game design. They also learn practical skills like how to write a proper email and how to write a resume and cover letter.