STEP Program

The STEP (Support Team Education Plan) program is a multi-tier model to help provide early identification of students with learning and mild behavioral needs. Struggling learners are provided various interventions by their classroom teacher that are appropriate to their needs, at increasing levels of intensity to improve learning, and the STEP program is an integral element in this process. The STEP program at Catholic schools supports students who may require targeted minor adjustments to facilitate access to grade-level curriculum, enable learning, and participate in the school community.

The resource teacher is the administrator of the STEP Program.  At Visitation, the resource teacher will work with the teachers and parents to ensure all supports possible are being implemented for the greatest success of the student.

The resource teacher can also provide referrals for outside therapies (i.e.: speech therapy, occupational therapy, educational therapy, etc). Additionally, Dr. C will guide and support parents through the IEP and 504 Plan process at public schools.

Click on the Resource Specialist Website below to learn more.