5th Grade

5th Grade

Fifth grade is a transitional year; students will be learning different concepts and ideas, while simultaneously getting ready for Junior High. Within Ms. Banas's classroom, she will emphasize the extreme importance of respect for all individuals. This means that the classroom environment will consist of a compassionate community of learners who work together to achieve results.

The lessons in fifth grade are structured and objective-driven. When planning curriculum, Ms. Banas looks at which standards must be addressed in order for students to gain the knowledge they need in order to be successful in the fifth grade. Once the essential standards have been identified, curriculum is designed based upon learning objectives. Each unit of study in all subjects is mapped out through an innovative long-term curriculum-mapping method. Curriculum is varied and includes textbook readings; activities, quizzes, tests, performance assessments, and other diverse methods of assessment.

Students will complete in-class math assignments in their math notebook. Additionally, students will receive homework from their textbook in order to reinforce skills. Math instruction will include timed drills, hands-on activities using manipulatives, spiral review, and training in how to solve word problems. Lessons are aligned to Common Core State Standards in Mathematics.

English Language Arts
Language Arts will be aligned with the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. Standards-based lessons will be presented in class, practice will be completed in notebooks, and students will be assessed. We will also incorporate language arts into our writing instruction. Students will be reading several novels during the school year.

Reading is inevitably linked to all areas of academic instruction, and perhaps the subject which adults utilize most on a daily basis. Students will be taught decoding, comprehension, and non-fiction reading skills.

In guided reading, important comprehension strategies will be introduced through the use of several novels. Much of the reading we will accomplish in class has cross-curricular ties, reinforcing academic content standards not only in reading, but in other subjects as well, including social studies and science.

The main focus for students in fifth grade is gaining efficiency in writing multi-paragraph compositions with an emphasis on evidence based writing. Students will learn to compose an essay that supports a claim by providing evidence from the text.

We will study seven units throughout the year: God's Call, God's People Respond, The Incarnation, The Church as Sacrament, The Life of Grace, The Central Sacrament, and Sings of Hope.

Science covers Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Space and Technology.

Social Studies
Students will be studying the development of the United States, the thirteen colonies, and the American Revolution. Students will also be learning about the economic system through a class economy system.